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Carter at Tough Mudder
Carter Yoga

The EDPT (The East Dulwich Personal Trainer) is run by myself Coach Carter.


Growing up on a steady diet of kung-fu movies and a passionate martial arts enthusiast in my Dad, it seemed inevitable that my first foray, as an adolescent, into the world of health and fitness would be through martial arts. I have partaken in various martial arts but will only mention those which I have practiced a little more seriously. For about 10 years I have practiced WushuKwan (Chinese Kickboxing) under 5th degree instructor Peter Johnson, where I achieved 1st Degree black belt. I commenced instructing classes and learned a huge amount of self-discipline from a young age. I quickly moved on to learning the art of Boxing, Muay Thai and MMA. Again with some household names in the world of combat; such as training in Muay Thai with Team Tieu & Winston Fraser (ex World title holder), MMA with Jess Liaudin (ex UFC) & Ashleigh Grimshaw, and boxing primarily with the late Martin Holgate. With their support I successfully competed in many events and still practice to this day in all disciplines.


Over the years, with the ever evolving fitness industry, my goals have changed and I felt the need to broaden my knowledge and skill base. Now, my passion and experiences in fitness include so much more. Weight training, fat loss, explosive power building, Gymnastics, Kettlebells, TRX, Body transformations, nutrition advisory as well as so much more.

At an early age, I was taught that health and well-being of an individual encompasses the mind, body and soul. Our outer-self balanced with our inner-self. Therefore although my training works the body to its limits, there is always a holistic approach that I take time to harness such as including techniques on breathing, relaxation and stretching.


I consider myself more of a Coach than a personal trainer. You may think these are the same. But I like to not only help motivate and train people, I like to equip you with the skills and knowledge of how to reach your fitness and health goals. My goal is to reach out to you on a mental, physical and social level. Like a teacher who works hand in hand with you to achieve the fit body that you want. I take responsibility for your goals and make them my own. I take a fun and educational approach to each workout session. Whether it’s to be ready for the beach or to be ready for the mountain, my mission is to help guide you through your journey to get there. We are all such capable beings and have the potential to be and do whatever we put our minds to. I know in life we experience barriers and obstacles that stop us and slow us down from reaching our desired goals.


With a positive mindset and willingness to achieve, I can help you jump over and bust through those barriers, and together we can reach those goals you have always wanted.


“As you think, you shall become” Bruce Lee

Carter breaking bricks
theedpt squat
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